Twitter - Social Media Brand Development
Develop the name of the brand YourBeat Inc. Create a social media presence of the YourBeat Inc. brand on the social media site - Twitter. “Our mission is to empower artists to create communities of 1000 true fans to become completely successful without selling all their rights or giving away their music while at the same time connecting vendors and venues to their needed audience thereby giving all an opportunity to grow a fully sustainable environment and revolutionizing the music industry”
Instagram - Social Media Brand Development
Develop the name of the brand YourBeat Inc. Create a social media presence of the YourBeat Inc. brand on the social media site - Instagram. “Our mission is to empower artists to create communities of 1000 true fans to become completely successful without selling all their rights or giving away their music while at the same time connecting vendors and venues to their needed audience thereby giving all an opportunity to grow a fully sustainable environment and revolutionizing the music industry”