Electrical Engineering, PCB Design for IOT / wifi / celullar

Project scope
Product or service launch Information technologySkills
printed circuit board design static content digital signage printed circuit board electrical engineering multipoint control unit (videotelephony) internet of things (iot) serial peripheral interface firmware microsoft outlookCaliper is a tablet-like device that does one thing very well: join all your Google, Outlook, and Yahoo calendars into one consistent view. Using ePaper, the system is extremely low energy and follows the Calm Technology philosophy -- it displays calendars for your work, office, or family, just like a traditional paper calendar. Its battery life lasts many months, keeping a watchful eye on all your calendar personas.
Pop-poster is the missing link between paper signage and digital signage. Using ePaper technology, this tablet-like device allows for the readability of paper signage, with the ability to auto-refresh on a set schedule or interval. Link Pop-poster into your existing CMS, allow for instant updates of content anywhere it's placed. Pop-poster is a replacement for the current paper and frame out of home(OOH) advertising methods often seen in public spaces and/or private commercial locations. Pop-Poster can show any static content, from high-contrast text, to full-colour images.
Our company Fenoto requires engineering talent to assist us in the design and development of a PCB designed to drive an IOT epaper application.
Prototype schematics have been created that describe the MCU, GPU, and PMU, but several cost and power efficiencies still need to be identified. The prototype was designed using the Espressif ESP32 MCU and a GPU driven by a custom IT8957 chipset, connected via SPI. The device requires wifi and cellular capability, and alternative MCUs can be considered. The firmware for the MCU will require OTA update capabilities, additionally the display is temperature dependent, so an internal sensor (i.e., TMP100) is also required.
We are looking for a team what would like to take on this project.
About the company
Fenoto Technologies Inc. has developed an e-paper system to replace the use of paper in multiple applications. The system has two primary use cases 1) a collaborative calendar for use at home and away from home and 2) a e-paper system to replace paper based Out Of Home small frame marketing systems for use publicly and in private business applications.