Strategic Planning in Action
Caps 602
This experience is designed for MBA students in their final course, where they have honed their skills in strategic analysis, decision-making, and business planning. Learners are equipped to apply their comprehensive understanding of business strategy to real-world projects, developing strategic plans that align with organizational goals. By engaging with industry professionals, students can bridge the gap between academic theory and practical application, delivering actionable insights and strategic recommendations.

Strategic Plan development
Graduate level students in a MBA near the end of their degree

Strategic Planning
MBA students capable of analyzing, assessing and devising strategic plans and implementation approaches for organizations.

Strategy course
Students will develop a strategic plan for an organization.

Students will meet with the organization, in consultation will identify strategic issues, prepare a proposal to address the issues and then do research and prepare a report of analysis, recommendations and implementation.

Strategic Management
Develop a strategic plan for an organizations.

Strategic Management
Students will meet with the organization, in consultation will identify strategic issues, prepare a proposal to address the issues and then do research and prepare a report of analysis, recommendations and implementation.

Strategic Consulting Project for HR, Leadership and Other
Seeking projects strategic in nature, for example, leadership, human resources or other strategic decision areas of an organization.

Strategic Consulting Project for Nonprofits and Charities
Management 123
Students are interested in doing data gathering, analysis, and recommendations on organizational problems for nonprofit/charities

Strategic Consulting Project for Nonprofits
Management 123
Students are interested in doing data gathering, analysis, and recommendations on organizational problems for nonprofit/social entreprises.

Strategic Consulting Project for Nonprofits/Social enterprises
Management 123
Students are interested in doing data gathering, analysis, and recommendations on organizational problems for nonprofit/social entreprises.

Strategic Management Course
4th undergraduate business students will do a strategic analysis of an issue and develop recommendations and implementation ideas. The first document will be a proposal including the issue to be study and the approach to develop recommendations. The next document will be the analysis, alternative recommendations, recommendations and implementation.

BUSI 640 Consulting Project
BUSI 640
Students are interested in doing data gathering, analysis, recommendations and presentation on organizational problems.