Setting up online store such as Etsy, market research ,digital marketing strategies, How to utilize Amazon, Printful, and Alibaba
E-Commerce training - how online marketplaces operate; the ins and outs of drop-shipping; how to identify profitable niches and products; Suggest various services for e-commerce sellers; train how to utilize Amazon; Ali Baba; Printful in designing and drop shipping.

Photography and Videography
I need a student who can provide photography and /or videography services for the wedding ceremonies I conduct. Most of my weddings occur in the Niagara Region, and are outdoors in places like Wineries, Vineyards, by the Lake Ontario water front in Niagara On the Lake. My weddings occur on Thursday, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, depending on the month. I would require a few students to take turns/shifts, to avoid burn out.

Digital Marketing; Website Designer, Graphic Designer; Facebook, Instagram, linkedin, YouTube) for Wedding Officiant & Relationship Coaching Business
I have a new website (ruthhallweddingofficiant.com) for which I need added support and training, and require support plus training in running my Instagram (marrymeguru). With the wedding officiating business, as a Life Coach, I also offer virtual relationship coaching to couples and individuals, as a bonus for the premium package. I need to start a YouTube channel, offering relationship advice/coaching.