Non-Profit Grant Writing
We are looking for assistance in finding and completing grant applications that support our mission and vision of providing cohousing opportunities to adults with autism or other intellectual disabilities. We believe this project will include: Assist with defining a company-identified community problem and defining the scope of a corresponding project. Develop a needs statement that characterizes the community problem and justifies the need for our project and funding. Identify potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project. Interpret a request for proposal (RFP). Research, plan, write, edit, and revise a persuasive proposal narrative. Improve the clarity and persuasiveness of our company's grant proposal writing. Research into other grant opportunities to support our cause

Staffing Recruitment Optimization
This project will involve several different steps for the students, including: Documenting the current state of our staff recruitment process, from the time the resource need is identified to the time the position is filled. Creating visualizations such as data flow diagrams to identify strengths and pain points in our recruitment process. Assessing our current process and making recommendations for improvements and efficiencies. Documenting and mapping a target state process. Suggesting feedback mechanisms to gather input from staff, volunteers, and applicants.